Year of the Monkey
Collateral | OOH Graphics | Apparel
Red poster with yellow letters and ribbons for Chinese New Year of the Monkey 2016. Illustration of a monkey with a Chinese hat.

A Celebration of Chinese new Year.

Zappos' gift shop and art program partnered with the community to celebrate the Chinese New Year. There were special guests, art installations and conferences, food, and entertainment.


The challenge was to create something respectful of Chinese culture and tradition that was visually appealing to a rather general audience at the same time. The main customers of the gift shop were tourists from all over the country and some international ones

The Outcome

I used traditional patterns and handmade illustrations to pair with stereotypical fonts and create art that could be applied to various platforms, from posters to a t-shirt, screens, digital bulletins, and billboards.

Red t shirt with a monkey illustration for the celebration of Chinese New Year of the monkey in 2016Black t shirt with a monkey illustration for the celebration of Chinese New Year of the monkey in 2016Detail of Chinese New Year graphic with red ribbon that says Year of the Monkey and Chinese characters