Rushes HD Campaign


  • Print
  • OOH
  • Environmental


  • Creative Direction
  • Art Direction
  • Copywriting

How do you promote a video technology without using video?


Rushes MX needed to spread the word about the first Spirit HD Datacine that Rushes MX purchased so that potential clients and partners knew about it and used it. What's the catch? We were unable to use video.

What Would You Do with HD?

I crafted a successful campaign that focused on the possibilities of the new Datacine, not on the technical specs of the device. The big idea was to create pairs of words, starting with the letters H and D, respectively. Some were humorous, and a few were slightly controversial. Most of our customers were in advertising, so creativity was their bread and butter. The campaign sparked their imagination, and they created their own combinations as a running joke in the industry.

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