Zappos Brand Summit Conference


  • Identity
  • Collateral
  • Environmental


  • Branding
  • Creative Direction
  • Art Direction
  • Editorial
  • Illustration

A refreshing spring event with vibrant history notes and a subtle scope of the future of Zappos.


The Zappos way of doing business is all about its core values and those apply to all aspects of the business. From the way we treated our customers, to how we engaged with our vendors and employees.

We put a celebration together and wanted to make it unique on the occasion of it being the 20th anniversary of the company.

Aging like a fine wine.

The event was a business one, to talk about numbers, spreadsheets, and such. But we also wanted to talk about dreams, partnerships, and celebrations.

We used wine as a theme to convey party and sophistication at the same time. Twenty years was a big milestone, worthy of bringing our best bottles. Our guests had a very close relationship with their vendors, so there was a lot of room to be creative and not try to communicate everything with a single piece. We created custom-made wine labels and sent bottles as an invitation to the event for some special partners.

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